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Who Is Erika?

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Hi Beautiful Being. I am so glad you are here.


Thank you for taking the time to explore my website to learn about my purpose and offerings at Inner Her Alchemy. I am a Spiritual Feminine Coach, Shamanic Practitioner and Intuitive.

Growing up with my maternal line, I was exposed to Christianity, Christian witches and folk magic. There was times I was scolded for having "encounters" with spirit being told it was bad and other times told it was a blessing. 

At age 18 I had a very deep heart to heart conversation with my grandmother who to me was the closest thing I had ever known to God/Spirit/Creator. A small voice inside of me told me to tell her about my spiritual experiences so I nervously shared with her about my own gifts and recent experiences. She sat up in tall in her seat and leaned towards me "This is a gift from God. Use it to help people and do not let anyone tell you it is evil." This was exactly what my heart needed to proceed in my journey.

At this point I was a lost soul trying to find my place in the world. One day while visiting family in Compton, CA I was told by my spirit to enter a nearby small botanica. I decided to ask for a tarot reading and the lady began to unload my past and the dead feeling I carried with me so often. She reminded me of the scab on my heart from my sexual trauma as a young child and that my ancestors needed healing since it has happened to so many women in my lineage. She told me I needed to do this and it was part of the journey to get to my destiny.

I decided shortly to begin my ancestral healing path and also began my personal rituals focused on folk magic and hoodoo which lasted for many years until I was guided to extend my services to my community. This business was called 'House Of Brujas' and grew very quickly in which allowed me to quit my day job. I also began my informal shamanic training at this time that somehow landed right in my lap. My business was growing and everything on the outside looked great but I still sensed an empty feeling and void inside. I was creating beautiful work for others but failed to water my own self. I continued to set up new goals for myself. I continued to keep myself busy and searching for something that would restore some form of happiness inside of me. I did what I thought would save me.. Working hard, buying things that I wanted, taking courses and anything else that came my way. Looking back I was constantly in a full flight or flight mode trying to suppress my deep disconnection to myself.


I was very much a "wounded healer".

I led myself to a very dark place in 2019. I was in a toxic relationship which costed me everything. It unexpectedly came to an end and within a few hours I became homeless, single and with a child and another arriving any day. I felt like a failure... I felt fear that I never felt... I felt anger.., I felt numb... I wanted to shrivel into a ball and die somewhere. I felt heartbreak that I did not even know was possible.

I was experiencing several panic attacks a day, PTSD, & depression. I was getting bombarded by flashbacks and felt often overstimulated by everything. I had no control over my mind, let alone my life.

My business closed in 2019 as I was unable to offer any help for anyone at this time.

One day in the midst of my dark hole, Spirit paid me a visit to ask if I was willing to surrender what I was holding onto. After all of the anger, pain, crying, disbelief and sorrow, I agreed. "What did I have to lose?' I was tired. My soul was tired.

This is where the soul work began...

I was finally READY to do the work. I was finally ready to look at my shameful demons and admit they have been torturing me my entire life.

Things began to shift in a different direction this time. It was not focused on the external chases I went for often like money or going out to bars but on healing my heart.


My womb was crying. My heart was sobbing. 

I disappeared from society, turned off my phone for 8 months and was focusing on healing myself. I was in deep prayer for several months. I was praying for all things that were not for me to be removed. I was praying for my own healing. I was praying to my ancestors to lead the way. I was praying for peace. I was praying to finally feel safe being myself.

With the grace of the divinities, things I needed began appeared such as teachers, healers, books, and downloads of healing rituals. Miracles began to take place for the first time in my life.

I was finally nourishing myself.

I began to heal the layers of sexual trauma, body shame, childhood trauma, violent experiences and emotional pain my heart had been carrying for so long. 

In this short time of my life I witnessed countless miracles, divine alignments and spirit speak more times that I can count. 

All of this lead me to my purpose..


I birthed my business Inner Her Alchemy In December 2021 after lots of healing and embodiment work. First starting off as a Spiritual Feminine Coach focusing on womb healing, sexuality embodiment and divine feminine energy work.

In 2022 I had one of the most profound initiations where the old me died and the true me became. It was the last part of me that needed to die left so I could go deeper into my life purpose. Since then I have branched out into extending my years of knowledge of ancestral healing, deeper womb healing, energy cleansing and lots of shamanic journey's to bring forth a healthier, loving, connected community. My destiny is to leave this world a better place than before.

The path to my purpose is 100% clear and I live my life in alignment to what I came here to do. I now am a guide for those who are ready to embark their own journey's into deep multidimensional work and healing parts of themselves in a true ceremonial setting. In a session at Inner Her Alchemy a portal of healing is opened so you can take the parts that your soul is in need of. For some this looks like yoni steam ceremony and for others private healing ceremonies. I offer a range of powerful healing sessions for people to transform into their most potent, raw, connected selves. I ask that you arrive 100% prepared to hear some hard truths about yourself that may trigger you. Willing to see yourself is essential in this journey.

I invite you to book a private session with me if my story resonates with you. 

All My Love,

Erika Meremy

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