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The Road To Self Mastery


Alternative To Therapy. For The Spiritual Person. 

What is Aligned Spirit?




Disconnect from old thinking patterns & reprogram the mindset to a healthier and more productive way of being. You learn unique tools to shift your life back to ease and stay in your power. We focus on YOUR mindset & YOUR choices so you can be healthy on all levels and most of embody inner peace with self.



The energetic/spiritual blueprint plays a big part in the quality of life on a day to day basis. We identify and release blockages present within the spirit through shamanic journeying to severe past life connections, karmatic contracts and more so we can welcome peace and experience radical shifts. 



When we experience emotional pain & trauma the body holds onto it which leads to our own bodies feeling foreign or unsafe. Somatic practices & energy work together bring safety and awareness to how we are feeling in our body, reset the nervous system back to a quality state of being & remove energetic blockages so we can be present in our day to day lives. 

Aligned Spirit is an alternative to traditional therapy that is solution based at a multidimensional level. This program is for anyone who is ready to let go of the past & live according to what is aligned to your inner truth so you can live life in peace, alignment and flow. This form of coaching is different from others because we focus only on YOU. We release mindsets that cause blame, guilt, fear, resentment, doubt & anything that does not serve the spirit. You will gain the tools needed to make choices that feel aligned for your soul. As an Intuitive I have the ability to get to the deep core root as in why things are the way they are in your life. Together, we will shift old unhealthy thinking patterns, heal the heart, and reconnect you to your self. 


Life was not intended to be lived overly stressed, self conscious, trying to make everyone else happy or keeping your throat chakra closed.


Life is simple. 


Allow me to show you a different way of life...


Topics Worked Through In Sessions:​


Who Is Your Authentic Self

Spiritual Foundation Principles

Releasing Expectations/Attachments

Shadow Work

Somatic Practices

Releasing Unproductive Thoughts

Boundary Repair For Spirit/Mind/Body

Making YOU A Priority

Releasing Energy Attachments

Discovery Of Life Purpose

Identifying Your Matches

Living In Alignment

Walking In Devotion To Purpose

Being In The Moment 100% Of The Time



$555 monthly

Includes 3 Coaching Sessions + 1 Energy Work Session For Optimal Results



​"Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not."

– Deepak Chopras



​I am beyond blessed to have found Erika. She creates such a safe space for the unloading and healing of a tired soul. Every time I have a session with her, there is a serenity in knowing that I really don't have to do it all alone. Isolation and fear of being hurt or denied have been a struggle for me over the years. Erika eases my nerves and listens to all my wild stories, pain, and frustrations with a compassionate and open heart. Her intuition is a breath of fresh air as she validates and corrects information without me telling her. I pray for her expansion and hope she begins to offer classes or workshops!
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